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私はこのような食体験を今後『Fourth Meal(四度目の食事)』と呼び、提案する。

私はこの『Fourth Meal』を気の向くままに開催し、そこで出される料理、食器、皿、インテリア、アート作品、また、敬愛するゲスト達によって繰り広げられる会話に焦点を当てながら、その体験をここに記し、残す。

I invite friends, significant others, and friends to hold suppers (a get-together after dinner) on weekend nights.  Seeing my friends become absorbed in the conversation and enjoying drinks and food, I rethink the word “food” and the act of “eating.”

One sure thing is that I and my fellow diners are not here to eat and drink, just to fill our bellies. We are here to feel a little smarter through conversation, be intoxicated by the plates and vases that line the tables, and indulge in elaborate dishes that we usually wouldn't eat. Everyone attending feels like what they experience here will birth something meaningful that will impact our futures.  

I will call and propose these food experiences; “Fourth Meals.”

I will hold “Fourth Meals” as a please, and while putting a spotlight on the dishes, plates, tableware, interior decor, art pieces, and the conversations held by the beloved guests, record the experience, to preserve.

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